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This post started as a talk for the Python Guild (a monthly gathering of Python developers at Avast). I decided to research and put together a summary of different tools related to Python development. Turns out there are not that many.

After I gave the talk there was a short discussion and a couple of interesting ideas were proposed.

I realized that a more interesting topic would be how to use all these tools in everyday work. That’s why I decided to expand this post a bit. First section contains a list of tools categorized in different categories. In the second section I will put some thoughts on how these tools can be used in different scenarios.

The tools

When I started doing research for this post I expected it to be a much more complicated topic (same as packaging for example). Turns out there are not that many tools - there is almost only one way to do things.

Is this section I will categorize different tools into five categories, describe and compare them. I know a lot more about tools that I use everyday but I’ve experimented with most of the others too.


PEP8 (Style guide for Python code) and PEP257 (Docstring conventions) are two PEPs that describe how Python code should look. The PEP8 is not meant to be dogmatic and adhering to it is not the only necessary prerequisite for good Python code, but it is a start. Because formatting code by hand is tedious, using some kind of formatter is almost a necessity.

When working in a team, it’s is better when everyone’s code looks the same. Ideally it shouldn’t be obvious who wrote the code from just looking at it. If everyone is using the same formatter, there will not be any "stylistic" comments in code review and no unnecessary diffs if two people work on the same module.

There are several code formatters for Python code:


The Uncompromising Code Formatter

Black is similar to gofmt - there is almost no configuration (line length is pretty much the only thing you can configure and even that is discouraged). This is a good thing because you don’t have to synchronize configuration across developers in the team.

When formatting it makes sure that the AST (abstract syntax tree) of the code did not change (it will not break your code).

In my experiments it worked pretty well with pycodestyle (see Linters) although you may have to disable some checks.


  • no need to keep config files in sync between developers

  • run on save and never think about formatting again

  • no need to run style checkers

  • supported/owned by Python Software Foundation

  • good support in IDEs (can be enabled in VSCode, has plugin in PyCharm)

  • is actively developed


  • a bit unusual line length by default (88 characters)

  • in tiny amount of cases the formatting could be nicer (it still makes sense, but I would do in differently)

  • is a new project and formatting can sometimes change between versions


YAPF is developed by Google and takes a similar approach to black and gofmt but has much more configuration options.


  • good support in IDEs (can be enabled in VSCode, has plugin in PyCharm)

  • very configurable (if that’s what you need)


  • is developed but still considered Alpha (since 2015)


Autopep8 fixes errors returned by pycodestyle. It can be configured to ignore certain errors.


Another aspect of code formatting is import sorting. Isort will split imports in a module into types (builtin, local, third party) and sort them alphabetically.

Pros: - does its job


  • needs a bit of configuration to work well with Black (see this issue)

  • sometimes changes its mind (depending on active environemnt and available packages) and causes diffs


Linters are tools that analyze your code and report problems.


Check if the code conforms to PEP8 standard. Is used by autopep8 to find errors but can be used also with black.


Analyzes syntax tree of modules and looks for various errors. It does not check for stylistic errors.

It is fast but the checks it can do are more limited. Is is also not as configurable. It is a good choice for if you need a linter to run in your editor.


From Readme:

Static code analysis tool that looks for programming errors, helps enforcing a coding standard, finds code smells and suggests refactorings.

It is very configurable, has a lot of checkers (modules that check certain things). It also has extensive documentation with HOW-TOs, tutorials and technical reference.


  • powerful

  • configurable


  • slooow for large projects or on slow machines

  • too noisy with default settings (best is to disable everything first, then enable only what you need). Here is an example config

Static type-checkers

Python has type annotation syntax since version 3.0 and support for type hints since version 3.5 in typing library. Type annotation are not mandatory (and never will be) and any type checking is left to third party tools.

Here are some of the more well-known tools for static type checking:


This one feels more "official" because Guido is involved in it’s development and it lives in "python" Github organization.

It can give you some benefits even with no type annotations in your code. It is not bulletproof and sometimes needs help but it does catch errors.


Pyre is developed by Facebook but I have not tried it.


Pyright is developed by Microsoft but its Readme states: > Pyright is a side project with no dedicated team. There is no guarantee of continued development on the project. If you find it useful, feel free to use it and contribute to the code base.

Other tools

Here are some tools that don’t belong in any of the categories. Although interesting, most of these tools are not well known or very mature:

  • jedi - autocompletion and static analysis library

    • can be integrated with many different editors (Vim, Emacs, Sublime, VSCode,…​)

  • rope - renaming/refactoring

    • only partial Python3 support

  • Vulture - finds unused code

  • mccabe - code complexity measure

  • dodgy - looks for things that should not be in the code

    • SCM diff checkings, passwords, secret keys, etc.

  • bandit

    • looks for security issues by applying a predefined set of tests

  • eradicate - removes commented-out code

Tool bundles

There are a couple of projects that bundle several tools togehter:

  • prospector

    • Pylint, pyflakes, pycodestyle, mccabe, dodgy and some others by default

    • also supports Vulture and mypy

  • Flake8

    • PyFlakes, pycodestale, mccabe

  • pylama

    • pycodestyle, pydocstyle, pyflakes, mccabe, pylint and some other tools


All mentioned tools can be used by themselves from command-line or CI/CD (see below), but mostly we want to have them run in real time while we are writing code. We are not cave-people banging rocks together - everyone should use some kind of IDE.


PyCharm has its own language server that implements intellisense, refactoring, linting, import sorting etc. But it has support for "external tools" that will be run from inside the IDE.

Visual Studio Code

VSCode has great support for Python. It also has its own language server, but it integrates external tools for different tasks:

  • Formatting

    • autopep8 is enabled by default, but black can be enabled in settings

  • isort is used by default for import sorting

  • pylint is enabled by default but other linters can be used enabled:

    • Flake8

    • mypy

    • pycodestyle

    • prospector

    • pylama

    • bandit


Vim is not an IDE, but it can be set up for Python development pretty well. Here are some resources on how to do that. Here is my setup.

It is a lot of work but it can be done. I’m using Vim for Python development every day at work.

Using Python tools

What are we using?

Over time and after some discussion our team settled on following tools (by settled I mean that most of us are using them and we recommend them to newcomers):

  • black for code formatting

  • isort configured to work with black

  • pylint and pycodestyle with configuration in our package definition (more on that later)

  • optionally mypy (we are using type annotations in our code)

What is not completely clear is how to best "enforce" usage of those tools.

How to use the tools

There are two main use-cases:

  • local development

  • centralized checks in CI

When I’m writing code, I want it to be formatted (black, isort) and I want my IDE to catch errors as I’m making them (pylint, language server).

After pushing my code, I want CI system to check that the code adheres to our coding standard (so that reviewers don’t need to waste time checking my formatting) and check that there are no errors (run tests and static analysis).

I want the centralized checks to be handled for me so that I don’t have to worry about (or forget) setting them up with each new project. But I also would like to be able run the same checks locally to catch any errors before I push my code (so I don’t have to wait for a build to fail).

So the requirements are:

  1. some tools integrated with the editor

  2. centralized checks in CI that do not depend on developers remembering to set them up

  3. ability to run the same checks locally

Tools integrated with the editor

This is not something that we as a team can control directly. Everyone uses different editors and environment. What we have done is agreeing on a common set of tools which everyone should use.

We have a document called Python Stack that contains this information. This document is a kind of a decision log for us. It is also useful for beginners and newcomers in our team.

Centralized checks in CI

As a team we have decided what checks will be run in CI (Teamcity in our case) and we are letting the system enforce it. Because each project in Teamcity is created from a template, we don’t need to worry about setting the checks up ourselves.

These checks require some configuration and with that comes a question of where to put it. In our team we put all our code in Python packages that have a setup.cfg file. This file can be used to store configuration for pylint, pycodestyle and many other tools.

To make packaging more comfortable, we use cookiecutter templates. That way configuration is the same for all projects but can be customized if needed. Checks in Teamcity then rely on this configuration. This is a compromise between centralized control and freedom to customize things.

Here is an example of a package configuration (from my personal project but it is based on what we use in production).

setup.py looks like this:

from setuptools import setup


and setup.cfg file looks like this:

# ...

# ...

tests =
    pytest >=5.0, <6.0
    pytest-cov >=2.8.1, <3.0
    pytest-pylint >=0.14.1, <1.0
    pytest-pycodestyle >=2.0.0, <3.0

# ...

addopts = --verbose --pylint --pylint-rcfile=setup.cfg --cov=k8secrets --cov-report html --pycodestyle

# Black tries to enforce 88 characters but will leave
# long strings unchanged. We leave some room for that

# Configuration for pylint


Running CI checks locally

All test dependencies are defined in the tests extra. When working on the package we install by running pip install ".[tests]". Then we can run tests with pytest.

In the past we used the pytest-runner plugin to run tests with python setup.py test but this approach and the plugin is deprecated.

pytest-cov, pytest-pylint and pytest-pycodestyle are plugins that run code coverage, pylint and pycodestyle respectively, together with tests.

For local pytest settings we use the pytest.ini file which is ignored in Teamcity. This way developers can change pytest behavior without changing the CI settings.

This works both locally and in Teamcity, so you can run CI checks before pushing your code. One option is to add a pre-commit hook to the Git repository that will not allow commiting code that did not pass the checks. This is up to each developer and needs to be done for each project. There are some tools that help with this, such as pre-commit.com.


There really isn’t one. I’ve described some tools and hove we use some of them in our team. There is still a lot that can be improved and that will happen incrementally over time. For now, we are happy with how everything works.